The Ball is Round!

Our second session is on Wednesday October 20th,  at 2:15pm East Coast time. We are splitting The Ball is Round: A Global History of Soccer in two halves so in this meeting we are reading and discussing parts 1-3 (pp. 3-479).

Part one: “Ancients and Moderns: Football and the Invention of Modern Sport, from the beginning to 1914”

Part two: “The People’s Game: Football, Empire, and Industry 1870-1934”

Part three: “The Beautiful Game: Football’s Short Twentieth Century, 1934-1974”

Be sure to RSVP to participate via Skype.

I also wanted to share that I have been accepted at THATCamp in Chicago next month, a conference on the digital humanities that brings together academics, librarians, and technology specialists to work collaboratively on individual projects. The Football Scholars Forum will be the ‘paper’ I give at the conference so I look forward to sharing the results after we end the Fall season with Laurent Dubois.