FSF February – U.S. Soccer History

Mark your calendars! On Tuesday, February 26th at 8pm Eastern Standard Time we will be holding our first session of 2013.  Our session will feature three works from Steven ApostolovTom McCabe, and Gabe Logan on aspects of soccer history in the United States.

You can already find Steven’s article on Massachusetts soccer history here. (For more details about Steven’s work read this interview with him.) Tom’s chapter from his new book manuscript on northern New Jersey is here. Gabe’s chapter on Chicago soccer, showing the rich soccer diversity the city offered to its immigrants and native players alike, can be found here.

David Kilpatrick, freshly minted as official historian of the New York Cosmos, will moderate the discussion.  (FYI–check out his recent article on the Arsenal visit to Long Island in January 1986 in the NY Times Goal blog.) Members are welcome to submit questions for our authors to him by email before 2/26 (DKilpatrick [at] mercy [dot] edu).
Finally, our next two spring 2013 sessions are taking shape. Stay tuned for  announcements as we are working on bringing Stefan Szymanski of Soccernomics fame to East Lansing.