The Age of Football, Part 2

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The second session of FSF’s 5-part series on David Goldblatt’s The Age of Football: The Global Game in the Twenty-first Century [UK here / US here] drew another large international crowd: 45 participants!

Moderated by Danyel Reiche and Alex Galarza, our lively conversation with Goldblatt explored themes and questions raised by the chapters titled “Regime vs Street vs Mosque: Three-sided Football in the Middle East” and “From the Left Wing: South American Fútbol and the Pink Tide.”

The next session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 23, at 2pm US Eastern (7pm UK). We will discuss the book’s chapter on Europe, almost a book in its own right, with Lindsay Krasnoff serving as moderator.

Click below to listen to the recording of the June 16th session (personal/educational use only).