The Football Scholars Forum 2013-14 season resumes on February 12 at 8pm Eastern Time with a discussion of Lindsay Krasnoff’s The Making of Les Bleus: Sport in France, 1958-2010. The book explores how French political leaders sought to build a national sporting culture through the training of young fútbol (and basketball) players for international competitions. In preparation for the event, you can listen here to Lindsay discussing her book on the New Books in Sports podcast.
To participate in the 90-minute session, please send Peter Alegi your Skype name (if Peter doesn’t already have it) so you can be added to the call.
Looking ahead to our event in March (25/26, time TBD), we’re trying something new. Instead of members reading and discussing the same book, each participant will read one fútbol book (or lengthy article) and give a 5-7 minute report about it to the rest of the group. The idea is to produce a sort of “state of the field” snapshot from a variety of regions and disciplines. Stay tuned for more details about the March event.
Last but not least, we are waiting to hear about our FSF roundtable on “Academics, Journalists, and the Changing Trends in Fútbol Writing” proposed for the “Soccer as the Beautiful Game: Football’s Artistry, Identity & Politics” conference at Hofstra University, April 10-12, 2014.
Oh, did we mention that it’s a World Cup year?