The Barcelona Complex with Simon Kuper

Book cover image of Kuper's book, The Bacelona Complex

We opened the 2021-22 season with Simon Kuper and his new book, The Barcelona Complex: Lionel Messi and the Making—and Unmaking—of the World’s Greatest Soccer Club. 17 participants joined the author for 90 minutes of engaging conversation.

The discussion explored a variety of topics, including: modes of writing, Kuper’s positionality, and the intended audience for the book; Barcelona’s structure and identity; playing style and talent development at La Masia; Cruyff and Messi’s massive influence on the club; the role of Barca women; and club’s dire economic situation today.

Listen to the audio recording of the session below (for personal/educational use only):

Our next session is scheduled for November 11 with Brian Bunk and his new book, From Football to Soccer: The Early History of the Beautiful Game in the United States.

Contact Peter Alegi (alegi AT msu DOT edu) to participate via Zoom.